“No! to the Proposed Marathon Race in Contaminated Areas”:

We sent a protest letter to Mr Katsunobu SAKURAI, the mayor of Minami-Soma city, Board of Education of Minami-Soma city, and the President of Fukushima Minyu Newspaper, who organized a marathon race in heavily contaminated areas.

   In the proposed race course, there are hotspots with the highest environmental radioactivity level, 0.71μSv/h (6.2mSv/y), and the lowest, 0.2μSv/h (1.8mSv/y).  Both levels are well over the legally permitted level of 1mSv/y.  We pointed out that it is criminal in nature for the organizers to allow children and young people to run and breathe heavily in these heavily contaminated areas.  We protested and demanded the organizers to stop this marathon race.